Welcome to the city of lights, and its most spectacular synagogue
Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the Great synagogue of Paris. Also known as « La Victoire synagogue », it is the largest synagogue in France, and impresses every visitor by its spectacular dimensions and sheer magnificence. Built in 1874 by the chief architect of the city of Paris, Alfred-Philibert Aldrophe, with the financial support of the Rothschild family, the synagogue provided Parisian jews with a place of worship that reflected the community’s tremendous demographic, economic and cultural development at the end of the 19th century. It can seat over 1,800 people, and since its inception, services have been conducted according to the Ashkenazi-Alsacian tradition.
La Victoire synagogue has been at the center of Parisian Jewish life for over 135 years, during which it has witnessed every twist and turn in the community’s history, including tragic events such as the Dreyfus affair, or the deportations during the Holocaust. After the war, much effort has been made to preserve its religious, artistic and cultural heritage, and today, La Victoire is more than ever at the forefront of Jewish life in France. It serves as a setting for all official ceremonies with members of the government; it is also the official seat of the Chief Rabbi of France, where he is formally introduced.
We would be delighted to welcome you to our synagogue, and hope the information below will help you make your stay in Paris easy and enjoyable.
Please note that the synagogue will be closed (weekdays only) in August due to the summer holiday. It will nevertheless remain open for Friday night and Shabbat services.(from August 1st to August 25th).
We organize guided visits only for groups. Please write in advance to : Félix LOEB : infos@lavictoire.org - Phone number : 01 45 26 95 36.
For individuals an families, we propose them to participate to our services :
- Friday night at 6.30 p.m.
- Chabbat morning, at 9.30 a.m.
- Tuesday and Friday morning, at 7.45 a.m.
For tourists, it is necessary to call us in advance: 01 45 26 95 36 - infos@lavictoire.org
We will do our best to receive them on :
- Monday morning, from 9 to 12 a.m.
- Thursday morning, from 9 to 10.30 a.m.
We have a security control. Please take , if possible,
your passports with you or send them in advance by e-mail.
Phone number : 01 45 26 95 36 or 01 40 82 26 73
Please note that there is no Eruv in Paris.
Friday night dinner in Paris
Since November 21 2014, the Great Synagogue of La Victoire offers a delicious Shabbat dinner every Friday nights.
Open only to the Jewish community (singles, tourists, families…) without age distinction or level of Jewish practice, you’ll enjoy a great evening in a very beautiful setting.
The cost is 20 Euros for members of the shul and 30 Euros for non-members. Please sign up before Thursday 12 PM.
Maximum number of seats available: 50
Kabalat Shabbat starts at 6:30 PM with Rabbi Moshe Sebbag and President Jacques Canet. Kiddush and meal will follow right after with Glat Kosher catering.
So please join us to enjoy a great Shabbat dinner.
You must sign up on this link: http://www.tiny.cc/chabbat
For more info, please contact us at: shabbatvictoire@gmail.com
Synagogue de la Victoire
44, rue de la Victoire
75009 Paris
First Class
A complete listing of Kosher restaurants in Paris can be found on the following websites:
Shabbat meals
- Friday evening, after Minha : Grande Synagogue de la Victoire, 44 rue de la Victoire- 75009 Paris - Closed in August
Reservations and paiement : paste the link : https://www.tiny.cc/shabbat
- Beth El, 3 bis rue Saulnier - 75009 Paris - 01 47 70 09 23.
176 rue du Temple, 75003 Paris. Tel: +33 (1) 42 71 89 28
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Welcome to the Great synagogue of Paris. Also known as « La Victoire synagogue », it is the largest synagogue in France, and impresses every visitor by its spectacular dimensions and sheer magnificence. Built in 1874 by the chief architect of the city of Paris, Alfred-Philibert Aldrophe, with the financial support of the Rothschild family, the synagogue provided Parisian jews with a place of worship that reflected the community’s tremendous demographic, economic and cultural development at the end of the 19th century. It can seat over 1,800 people, and since its inception, services have been conducted according to the Ashkenazi-Alsacian tradition.
La Victoire synagogue has been at the center of Parisian Jewish life for over 135 years, during which it has witnessed every twist and turn in the community’s history, including tragic events such as the Dreyfus affair, or the deportations during the Holocaust. After the war, much effort has been made to preserve its religious, artistic and cultural heritage, and today, La Victoire is more than ever at the forefront of Jewish life in France. It serves as a setting for all official ceremonies with members of the government; it is also the official seat of the Chief Rabbi of France, where he is formally introduced.
We would be delighted to welcome you to our synagogue, and hope the information below will help you make your stay in Paris easy and enjoyable.

- Friday night service - Kabbalat Shabbat starts at 6:30 p.m.
- Shabbat morning service: 9:30 a.m. (with the presence of our Cantor and the Choir)
- Shabbat Mincha service: 1h1/2 before the end of Shabbat. (followed by Seuda Shlishit and Ma’ariv)
- Weekday morning services: 7:45 a.m.
- Sunday morning service: 8:30 a.m.
- Weekday evening services: 6:30 p.m.
We organize guided visits only for groups. Please write in advance to : Félix LOEB : infos@lavictoire.org - Phone number : 01 45 26 95 36.
For individuals an families, we propose them to participate to our services :
- Friday night at 6.30 p.m.
- Chabbat morning, at 9.30 a.m.
- Tuesday and Friday morning, at 7.45 a.m.
For tourists, it is necessary to call us in advance: 01 45 26 95 36 - infos@lavictoire.org
We will do our best to receive them on :
- Monday morning, from 9 to 12 a.m.
- Thursday morning, from 9 to 10.30 a.m.
We have a security control. Please take , if possible,
your passports with you or send them in advance by e-mail.
Phone number : 01 45 26 95 36 or 01 40 82 26 73
Please note that there is no Eruv in Paris.
Friday night dinner in Paris
Since November 21 2014, the Great Synagogue of La Victoire offers a delicious Shabbat dinner every Friday nights.
Open only to the Jewish community (singles, tourists, families…) without age distinction or level of Jewish practice, you’ll enjoy a great evening in a very beautiful setting.
The cost is 20 Euros for members of the shul and 30 Euros for non-members. Please sign up before Thursday 12 PM.
Maximum number of seats available: 50
Kabalat Shabbat starts at 6:30 PM with Rabbi Moshe Sebbag and President Jacques Canet. Kiddush and meal will follow right after with Glat Kosher catering.
So please join us to enjoy a great Shabbat dinner.
You must sign up on this link: http://www.tiny.cc/chabbat
For more info, please contact us at: shabbatvictoire@gmail.com
Synagogue de la Victoire
44, rue de la Victoire
75009 Paris
Grand Hotel | 2 rue Scribe, 75009 Paris | +33 (1) 40 07 32 32 | 10 mn walk to Shul |
Park Hyatt Hotel | 5 rue de la Paix, 75002 Paris | +33 (1) 58 61 12 34 | 15 mn walk to Shul |
Westin Hotel | 3 rue de Castiglione, 75001 Paris | +33 (1) 44 77 11 11 | 20 mn walk to Shul |
First Class
Radisson Ambassador | 16 Blvd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris | +33 (1) 44 83 40 40 | 8 mn walk to Shul |
Millenium Hotel | 12 Blvd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris | +33 (1) 49 49 16 00 | 8 mn walk to Shul |
Hotel Banke | 20 rue Lafayette, 75009 Paris | +33 (1) 55 33 22 22 | 3 mn walk to Shul |
Hotel Lorette | 36 rue N. Dame de Lorette, 75009 | +33 (1) 42 85 18 81 | 5 mn walk to Shul (with magnetic keys) |
Hotel Opera Franklin | 19 rue Buffault, 75009 Paris | +33 (1) 42 80 27 27 | 5 mn walk to Shul (only a few rooms without magnetic keys) |
Hotel Aida Opera | 11 rue Richer, 75009 Paris | +33 (1) 45 23 11 11 | 10 mn walk to Shul (with magnetic keys) |
Hotel Opera Cadet | 24 Rue Cadet, 75009 Paris | +33 (1) 53 34 50 50 | 8 mn walk to Shul |
A complete listing of Kosher restaurants in Paris can be found on the following websites:
- www.mangercacher.com
- www.123cacher.com
Shabbat meals
- Friday evening, after Minha : Grande Synagogue de la Victoire, 44 rue de la Victoire- 75009 Paris - Closed in August
Reservations and paiement : paste the link : https://www.tiny.cc/shabbat
- Beth El, 3 bis rue Saulnier - 75009 Paris - 01 47 70 09 23.
176 rue du Temple, 75003 Paris. Tel: +33 (1) 42 71 89 28
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